Providing hope, encouragement and confidence through counseling, education, and dedication.
Our goal is to provide each individual with personal, innovative, cost effective, and problem-solving treatment approaches to mental health care. Each individual is treated in a time limited, goal-directed manner. A skilled team of counselors and practitioners work together to help each individual achieve a level of recovery beyond what they originally expected.
Individuals who are educated about symptoms and treatment options, and who are encouraged to pursue a different and improved life become hopeful and optimistic. Education is the first stage in the renewal process, whether the problem is a result of a current situation or a long-standing problem. The instillation of hope, the second stage in the renewal process, is a welcomed change in what otherwise might have been a life of pain and despair.
We are dedicated to assist each individual who desires our treatment services. By working with other health care providers, organizations and groups as partners, we develop a continuum of care plan to insure immediate relief and continued recovery. While striving to expand and improve our services at all times, we continually seek to provide more effective methods of health care as they become available.
Our Skills
- Most essential is our core competence in recovery. We maintain an experienced team advancing our company-wide objective for highly applicable and cost effective mental health treatment.
- We know how to manage a crisis. We provide a rapid response to any situation as we can quickly evaluate the problem stabilize the condition and anticipate a positive outcome.
- We apply our skills and expertise to help motivate individuals and groups to work together for the betterment of communities.
- Our client community is diverse and varied. This diversity is reflected in our treatment staff allowing for healthy therapeutic relationships to develop.
- We understand that other people's feelings are central to emotional well-being. Modeling this philosophy is essential for success. Our treatment programs focus on social awareness - the ability to understand and respond to the needs of others.